12th December Update Dragon Nest SEA

UPDATE12th December Update11. Dec. 2017Views 47734
Change Log

Entry Info
Entry Level: Level 95 and above
Route: Saint Haven > Garden of Time and Space (Lv 95) > Grevious Guardian Nest Gate
Party Size: 1~4 Players
No. of Clears Per Week: Normal: 3 Times / Hardcore: 3 Times / Hell: 3 Times
No. of Resurrections: Normal: Unlimited / Hardcore: 3 Times / Hell: Once
Quest: [Lv 95] [Nest] Elegy for the Fallen Guardian


Normal Mode
-Hero's Neris Weapon/Armour
-Low Grade Hero's Weapon/Armour Powerstone
-Mid Grade Hero's Weapon/Armour Powerstone
-Enhancement Heraldry
-Elevation Cube
-Rarestone (5000 Gold)

Hardcore Mode
-Mid Grade Hero's Weapon/Armour Powerstone
-Enhancement Heraldry Plate
-Elevation Cube
-High Grade Hero's Weapon/Armour Enhancement Stone
-Rarestone (5000 Gold)

Hell Mode
-High Grade Hero's Weapon/Armour Enhancement Stone
-Enhancement Heraldry Plate
-Elevation Cube
-Rarestone (5000 Gold)

IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL NOTE: Starting day of Lagendia Continent Exploration is always the Saturday. Therefore, even though this Dec's Update includes the Lagendia Continent Exploration, the DATE THAT THE LAGENDIA CONTINENT EXPLORATION BUTTON APPEARS WILL BE 16th of DEC (SAT) NOT 12th DEC (TUE). THE BUTTON WON'T BE SEEN UNTIL 16th of DEC. 

Christmas Login Event
Event Duration: 12 Dec 2017 – 9 Jan 2018

Christmas Event Quest "Christmas and You"

Entry Level: At least Level 24
Start NPC : Storyteller Kathy (Saint Haven)

With Film you can get from the Login Duration Event, you can buy various items.
With the rewards you get by completing the Christmas Artbook Event quest, you can buy the Heartwarming Mailbox Mount.

[Mount] Heartwarming Mailbox
* Heartwarming Mailbox mount is a stationary mount and does not move.
* Summon the mailbox and left click to see what happens!

X'mas Store

Artbook Event
Duration: Christmas Period till before next update
-You can participate by going to Event popup window (Menu – Event or enter [V] key) and select “Artbook Event”.
-[Kathy’s Postcard] is needed to complete this event.
-You can get [Kathy’s Postcard] by taking the Christmas event quest, “Christmas and You”.

Christmas Costume 2017 (Dreamland)

Special Costume Skill
*Hit Effect when "Energy Converter: Winterbell" is used

Christmas Special Gacha - Highly increased drop rate - Chance to dress up your various characters! 
[2017 Christmas Special Gacha Box] item will be available in the Cash Shop from 12th December 2017 to 9th January 2018
*2017 Christmas Special Gacha Box is a normal Gacha Box (Not a double Gacha Box)

-Warm Winter's Night Wings
-Warm Winter's Night Tail
-Warm Winter's Night Decal
Set effect is applied for 2017 Christmas Season Wings / Tail / Decal

Dash effect occurs when you wear Warm Winter's Night Decal

On 24th December, a powerful item will be added in Cash Shop! 
Details on this item will be announced before 24th of December. 


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