[Updated] Notice for Reviewing Vena Plaga Chronicle Specialization Progress Issue Dragon Nest SEA

 Dear Adventurers, 


Our team found a cause of the below issue last week successfully and it will be resolved tomorrow scheduled maintenance (9th June). Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.



Dear Adventurers, 




Our team currently has received a number of requests for confirmation due to the unknown issue of not being able to specialize Vena Plaga character at June Chronicle Character Event and we are in the process of inspection. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience, and we will notify you once the cause and resolution way are confirmed.





It may be inconvenient and we hate to recommend but if you are currently playing the Chronicle Event by choosing Vena Plaga, please pause playing for a moment and wait for the notice. Also, if you delete the event ongoing character, it will be difficult to recover it, so we strongly recommend you not to delete it.



Once again, we apologize for the issue and will inform you through this notice regarding the cause.








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