Please accept our sincere apology. Dragon Nest NA

To all Heroes

As you all are aware, there has been a problem with ladder reward for season 3. We apologize for the inconveniences caused by the ladder system in recent days again. To tell the truth, due to technical issues we have lost all the records of ladder season 3. Therefore, it is impossible to provide appropriate rewards to the players who have participated in the ladder.

Our game management team has considered many solutions and one of the key solution was to provide same rewards to the all the players yet, after many discussions within the team, We believe that providing same rewards to all the players is unfair and unjust because each player has a different level of commitment and the satisfaction regarding ladder and its rewards. So we have decided not to provide any rewards related to the season 3. We know this news could be hurtful but we sincerely ask you to understand that this decision was one of the hardest one we have made since launch.

In order to prevent same problems occurring again, we are going to add another recording system to the ladder so we can always provide the correct rewards to the players when the season is finished. Additional to adding another recording system, we have decided to add Hall of Fame page on our homepage starting from next season so that player who has committed to the ladder can be seen by anyone who visits the homepage and their records will be kept permanently as reminder of their commitment and dedication.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and we will do our best to prevent any further issue on ladder system.
Thank you.

Product Manager H.M Kim


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