Chronicle Character Creation Issue Dragon Nest NA

This is Eyedentity Games.

First of all, we sincerely apologize for the issue with Chronicle Character Creation.
Our team has found the Chronicle system is not available for now and currently many of you are experiencing the inconvenience.
Unfortunately, many of you who created and raised Black Mara already may feel unfairness if we open the Chronicle System when time has been passed already. However, we see the promised Chronicle system must be opened.
However, to make a fair game, event rewards of the Raising Black Mara events (Special Costume Give Away and Level Up Event) will only be credited to the account has Lv. 93 Black Mara which has been raised from Lv. 1.

Chronicle System Release Date:
- May 25th, 2017 after Maintenance.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you in advance.

Eyedentity Game


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