Speedy Package Coupon To Be Resent Dragon Nest SEA

Dear Adventurers, 

We have received reports that the Speedy Package Sales Coupons that are sent every month on the Update Patch dates have been sent account basis for this month.

As it was supposed to be sent character basis, the Speedy Package Sales Coupons will be resent today (15th February) at 18:00 HRS to correct this,
and this time it will be sent by CHARACTER BASIS.  
>>> Please read the ※ IMPORTANT NOTE below before collecting items. 

Each of your characters will be able to collect the Speedy Package Sales Coupons via Special Storage, like it was supposed to be. 

If you were planning on boosting your character's speed through this package, please collect the Speedy Package Sales Coupons within the collectible period. 

▶ [Speedy Package Sales Coupons] Contains:
Speedy Single Package Coupon
Speedy Twins Package Coupon

▶ [Speedy Package Sales Coupons Collectible Period] 
15th February 18:00 HRS - 17th February 23:59 HRS (GMT+8)
>>> Please read the ※ IMPORTANT NOTE below before collecting items. 

▶  Resent to the whole server for all levels and all characters. 
▶  Sent to your Special Storage by CHARACTER BASIS (sent to each of your characters).
▶  Speedy Package Coupons will be usable within 3 days after collecting (like always). 


Please be cautious of which character you use to collect and use the Speedy Package Sales Coupons Item. 

Applying the same fragments DO NOT have an accumulative buff effect.
Purchasing through the same purchase coupon and applying the same items on your same character will NOT increase the buff.

To repeat, if your character already bought and applied the Speedy Package items through the ones released on 12th February,
then repurchasing the same package for the same character with the ones released today will not increase the buff or compound the duration of the item. 
(If you had applied Speedy Single Package Coupon for character A, then do NOT purchase the Speedy Single Package Coupon for character A.
If you had applied Speedy Twins Package Coupon for character A, then do NOT purchase the Speedy Twins Package Coupon for character A.)

▶ Please note that refund/reimbursement is NOT allowed under any circumstance, as stated in our game service policy. ◀

Therefore, please make sure you collect and purchase the packages for a character that didn't receive one yet
and avoid any unwanted expenses!


Thank you.



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