14-Day Account Ban for Abusers Notice Dragon Nest SEA

Dear Adventurers,

There have been reports of players that have used vulgar/profane language that are explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethically offensive in game to players.

Below is a partial list of users who are therefore subject to [Account Ban for 14 Days] due to such harassment activities.

<Banned User>

Dragon Nest SEA server is where every adventurer is respected and in order to keep the server in such manner, EYEDENTITY Games considers this is a very essential step. 

So, please be aware that any activities including using any language that harm the community and go against game policy will be subject to Account Ban, as stated on our policy.
Repeated offense will result in Permanent Account Ban.

The policy against harassment and abuse will continue to be applied, and we will do our best to maintain the best game service quality.

Thank you for your cooperation.



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