Announcement of 'Who are the most generous people?' Event Result Dragon Nest NA

Dear Heroes,

We would like to announce 3 of most generous people, who participated ‘Who are the most generous people?’ Event. 
Please find your IGN in below, and send us 1:1 inquiry ticket with your wanted title option within 7th June (Friday) 03:00 PDT.

3 of Most Generous People

1:1 inquiry Example
- IGN: ILoveDragonNest
- 3 title options: 1) a. Show Me The Money, 2) c. Gold Tycoon, 3) e. Beggar King (1st ranker must sent wanted title colors also)

1st ranker: Cover Title
- Title name can be selected (First priority) from Cover title list
- Its color can be selected by the character (Please send title color option altogether)

2nd ranker: Cover Title
- Title name can be selected (Second priority) from Cover title list
- The color: Yellow (Fixed)

3rd ranker: Cover Title
- Title name can be selected (Third priority) from Cover title list
- The color: Yellow (Fixed)

Cover Title List
a. Show Me The Money
b. Gold Flush
c. Gold Tycoon
d. Chaebol / DN Buffett
e. Beggar King

Reward Send Date
13th June (Thursday), after June Patch Maintenance



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