Golden Egg Coupon Sale Event! Dragon Nest NA

Golden Egg Coupon will be sold during the upcoming weekend.
Please see details below.

Event Details:
- During the weekend (including Friday), we will send you 10 Golden Egg Coupons to each characters every 12 AM PDT.
- You only can use the Golden Egg Coupon 1day after you receive the coupon.
- Total available period of using Golden Egg Coupon: April 28th 12 AM – May 1st 11:59 PM

- If a user receives Golden Egg Coupon on April 28th 12 AM PDT
-> He can use the coupon until April 28th 11:59 PM PDT
- If a user receives Golden Egg Coupon on April 30th 11:59 PM PDT
-> He can use the coupon until May 1st 11:59 PM PDT

- If you use 10 Golden Egg Coupon, you will receive Rarestone (1000) x 4.
- If you use 30 Golden Egg Coupon, you will receive Rarestone (1000) x 12 + Rarestone (5000) x 1 as bonus reward.

- You can only receive event reward once per character.
- This event is not based on account. Which means, if you use 9 on a character and 1 on another character, you are not qualified to get event reward.

Thank you.


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