Berlin’s Special Enhancement Rate Up! Dragon Nest SEA

Maybe it’s because sweet Irine baked cookies for citizens of Lagendia over the weekend, or perhaps Lady Kayleen popped by for a visit; whatever the reason, Berlin’s in a fantastic mood! And you should know by now, what happens when Berlin’s in a good mood right? (-winks-)

From 13 June 0000HRS to 18 June 2359HRS (GMT+8), Berlin will be holding a random special enhancement rate up for all Adventurers! Keep an eye out on the in-game notice because our GMs will inform you of the event one hour before, which gives you ample time to go through your stash of weapons and equipment before heading to Berlin’s. Remember, the special enhancement rate up is only applicable during the event times only! 
Special Investigative Report: 
We heard some of you wondering aloud on the rates of the enhancement, so we have strapped a spy microphone on one of Berlin’s hounds in hopes of fishing that nugget of information for you. Here are some of our findings: 

- Berlin is a terrible singer. 
- Berlin enjoys watching reality TV shows.  
 - Berlin has mentioned to his hounds to “work very hard during the event, because it’s gonna be da best enhancement event ever!”

The event will start on 13 June 0000HRS and end on 18 June 2359HRS.
All timings stated are in the GMT+8 time zone.
Any character that has been banned due to infringement of game abuse policies during the event or reward period will not be compensated
Any disputes will not be entertained 1 month after the date of accreditation of event rewards.
Terms and conditions are subjected to change without prior notice.


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