Baralika Weapon Server Storage Issue. Dragon Nest NA

This is Eyedentity Games.

First of all, we apologize for the issue with Baralika Weapon.
As you all are aware, currently Baralika Weapon is not able to be stored in Server Storage.
We know that many of you are wondering if this is intended.
To be honest, Baralika Weapon Server Storage issue is a bug that we couldn’t expect. Currently we are working on fixing the bug and the issue will be resolved during the next update. (June 15th, 2017)
To refresh the in-game temperature, we will get some collaborated boosting event.
This time we will have both EXP and Drop Rate Boosts during the upcoming weekend. If you want to raise another class or want to strengthen your character, we think this weekend will be a good chance.
If you want to see more details about Boosts, please see below.

Event Detail
- +500% EXP Boost
- +30% Drop Rate Boost

Event Period
June 9th, 2017 – June 12th, 2017

Thank you.

Eyedentity Games.


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