All I Want For Christmas Is… Dragon Nest EU

From yuletide music to decorations, Althea’s Christmas celebrations aren’t complete without gift giving! From now till 24 December 2359HRS (CET), get your hands on Christmas Gifts simply when you drop wish HERE by replying this thread. Snag rewards based on the number of unique wishes sent to this thread and even be one of the 10 lucky winners to get their wishes granted by Althea! It’s time for you to turn those wishes into reality today!

  • Wishes must be written in the thread of the following link: http://forum.cherryc...-christmas-is…/
  • You may make more than one wish, but the wish counter will only count one wish per one wisher
  • Your reply should include your wish + IGN
  • Rewards will be credited on 27 December before 2359HRS (CET)

  • Rewards will be given out after Christmas on the 27 December before 2359HRS(CET)
  • Rewards given will be Account Based.
  • Rewards will be credited via Special storage.
  • Only accounts with a level 40 character will be able to claim the reward.
  • Rewards are credited via Special Storage.
  • Rewards that are not collected and have expired will not be reimbursed.
  • All timings stated are in the CET time zone.
  • Any character that has been banned due to infringement of game abuse policies during the event or reward period will not be compensated
  • Any disputes will not be entertained 1 month after the date of accreditation of event rewards.
  • Terms and conditions are subjected to change without prior notice.


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