March Promotions! Dragon Nest NA

Dear Heroes, 

We have prepared new items and promotions with March update. Stay Tuned!

1. New item - Shard of Will Pouch Package/Premium Benefit Package

Shard of will Package includes:
- Shard of Will(30 days) x 1
- Skill-Up Crest(30 days) x 1
- Pandora's Attack Power Potion x 10
- Hidden Crest 3 Slots(30 days) x 1
- Ally Alicorn(7 days) x 1
- Blue Courier Bird(World) x 5
- Fatigue Potion(500 FTG) x 1 

Premium Benefit Package includes:
- Premium Beneift Pouch (30 days)
(*Premium Benefit Stones: Gives you Critical 10% increase/Move Speed 15% increase. Only affects in Stages/Nests).
- Shard of Will (30 days)
- Skill-Up Crest(30 days) x 1
- Pandora's Attack Power Potion x 10
- Hidden Crest 3 Slots(30 days) x 1
- Ally Alicorn(30 days) x 1
- Blue Courier Bird(World) x 10

* Shard of Will Package and Premium Benefit Package purchase requires Shard of Will Package/Premium Benefit Package Coupon
* Each Coupons can be credited on March 15th, 2018 after update by special storage and will be unable to use after 3 days from received date.
* Coupons and package themselves could not be traded. 

2. New item - Newbies' Dreamy Package
For heroes who have started a new journey in Dragon Nest, we have prepared a new package for new sprouts to grow!

Newbies' Dreamy Package includes:
- Limitless Hero's EXP Scroll 200% (7 days) x 1
- Resurrection Scroll x 5
- Item Protection Jelly x 100
- 'Good Morning Sunshine, the Earth Says Hello!' Package

'Good morning Sunshine, the Earth Says Hello!' Package includes 'Your First Accessories(STR, INT, AGI)', 'Your First Equipments(+ 20 Neris equipement set)' and 'Tuner(Neris Tier 1 to Tier 1 Medea) x 7. 

* 'Your First Accessories' and 'Your First Equipments' includes equipments and accessories based on your characters. 

3. Character Expansion Scroll Sale
- Price of 'Character Expansion Scroll' will be discounted for a limited time. (7,900 EC -> 4,800 EC)



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