[UPDATED on 16th Jan] 2019 Dragon Nest NA Top Players Announce Dragon Nest NA

Dear heroes,

We are glad to announce the list of 2019 Dragon Nest TOP PLAYER finally today.
A lot of players have sent out many interests in this event, and the people who are making the list have had a lot of fun as well.

Please note that this data is based on from October to December 2019.
Congratulations, all the winners~!

2019 Dragon Nest TOP PLAYER

[No.1] Who played Sunset Cloister the most?!

- For these top 3 users below, we have a special title, <Sunset Watcher> and Sunset Cloister map.

[No.2] Which user has the highest Ancient rate? (Total of main/secondary weapons)

- For these top 3 users below, we have a special title, <Ancient Ancestor> and Hero Level EXP Potion.

[No.3] Which user received the most [Like]?

- For these top 3 users below, we have a special title, <Celebrity of Lagendia> and Community Points.


[No.4] Who is the most burning love on the NA server? (Possessed Oath Point / 31st December 2019)

- For these top 3 users below, we have a special title, <Burning Hearted Romantist> and Community Points.

-Revised this list on after the update patch and reward has re-delivered to the above players.
-We apologize for giving confusion.

[No.5] Who did the most costume synthesis? (31st December 2019)

- For these top 3 users below, we have a special title, <Fashion Icon> and Crystal Points.


<UPDATED as of 16rth January> [No.6] Who failed the most in enhancement?  (31st December 2019)

-For these players, the reward can be collectible until 23rd January 2020 23:59 (PST)


-This notice is subject to revise or update anytime.
- There is a chance to reveal and add a new list later when the data objectivity process is verified.


-The reward has been delivered to your Special Storage.
-The event reward delivery has based on a ‘character basis’.
-The reward can be collectible until 16th January 2020 23:59 (PST)
-In the case of deleted/broken/unclaimed these rewards accidentally won’t be reimbursed.

Again, thank you for waiting and we look forward to receiving continued interest!


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