(Updated as of 20th Jan) Temporary Account Ban for Certain Players Having Suspicious Play Record Dragon Nest NA

 Dear Heroes,


Our team has confirmed that one of the sanctioned players below has applied for a PayPal chargeback that has not been pre-approved by our team after being changed to a one-year sanction.

Due to this, we will inform you that the sanction period has changed from a one-year sanction to a permanent sanction.


[Permanent Account Ban List] (IGN)






Dear Heroes,



Our team would like to inform all of you that the final operational decision has been made and applied to the below target accounts through an additional investigation during the grace period below.




Firstly, the two players who have been subject to the temporary sanctions below have been notified that the period has been extended over 1-year and the extended period has already been applied to each account.




Second, a 14-days sanction has been applied to certain players who are expected to take unfair advantage or already took gains through party play with the two players.






As of last, rest assured, we'd like to emphasize that this is the final conclusion that our team made by gathering all confirmed play logs circumstances, submitted responses, and all reported data during the period specified below.





Thank you.





Dear Heroes,





There have been several reports of certain players that having suspicious play records recently and as a result of the investigation and review of them, the below partial list who are therefore subject to [7 days Temporary Account Ban] on January 6th.








[7 days Temporary Account Ban List] (IGN)















Players who are sanctioned for the above reasons are obligated to submit their play record and explanatory materials such as play video or screenshot through 1:1 inquiry by 23:59 (PST) on January 13, 2021.




Based on all the responses and explanatory data shared during the grace period, our team will conduct an investigation once more, and all the information will be stored permanently.  




If it is determined that the result of the re-investigation for 1 week is the same as the initial review result, the sanction period may be extended until 6th January 2022 23:59 (PST). In that sense, we urge those who have been sanctioned to respond to the inquiries we ask for sincerely.






Please be aware that any activities including any type of abuse that harms the game environment and go against game policy will be subject to Account Ban, as stated in our policy.







▶ Operation policy information: https://us.dragonnest.com/policy/operation-policy






We ask for your cooperation in maintaining and building a healthy gaming environment.





Thank you for your cooperation.







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