Surprising September Event [REVISED on 4th September] Dragon Nest NA

Please have a look at the event notice and make sure you don't miss out any of the events! 
Note that the event notice could be updated at any time.


 Event Period 
- After 4th September Update maintenance ~ before 9th October Update maintenance (PDT)

 Event Details 
- Mon ~ Fri: EXP 100% (Stage Clear and Monster Kill)
- Sat ~ Sun: EXP 300% (Stage Clear and Monster Kill)
- Drop Rate: Fri/Sat/Sun +50%
- FTG Reduction: Fri/Sat/Sun -25%
- Monster Status Reduction: Green Dragon Time Attack Nest -30% (Every Saturday)
- Enhancement rate 10% Increase: 20th September ~ 22nd September Only

    It’s time to grow up! 

New Account who registered after September Update Maintenance ~ 30th September (PDT)
- Reward can be received before maintenance 9th October

 Event Detail and Reward 
Player who is eligible for the reward, will receive the rewards when player reached specific level.
- Level 10: Resurrection Scrolls x5 & Limitless Hero’s EXP scroll 200% (7 days)
- Level 24: Demolition S70 (Blood Red) (30 days)
- Level 50: FTG Fatigue Potions (1500) x2 & Happy Memories Box
- Level 75: Cherry Blossom in Genial Spring Wing, Tail and Decal & Purplion Ring, Necklace and Earrings (All items are 30 days durational)
- Level 95: Equipment for Newbies (Calypse Tier 2 +10) & [GM] Item Protection Magic Jelly x500 & Horn of Life (30 days),
               Talisman Slot Expansion Coupon (30 days) and Potential Heraldry 3 Slots (30 days)

- Event reward will be given per account basis. 

     Unlimited Box Event 

 Event Period 
- After 4th September Update maintenance ~ before 9th October Update maintenance (PDT)

 Event Detail 
- Lebrium Unlimited Box and Gold Lotus Crown Unlimited Box will be sent through Special Storage, and player can choose only one box to receive. 
- Clear Box Mission
- Receive the reward and same unlimited box will be sent.
- Clear Box Mission again!

 Box Information 
1) Lebrium Unlimited Box
- Mission: Clear 10 Daily Tasks
- Reward: 1,000 Lebrium Points and Another Lebrium Unlimited Box

2) Gold Lotus Crown Unlimited Box
- Mission: Clear 10 Daily Tasks
- Reward: Gold Lotus Crown x5 and Another Gold Lotus Crown Unlimited Box

- Rewards will be given per account basis.
- Unlimited Box will be sent through Special Storage.
- Once player select one unlimited box, cannot change to other box. Please make sure which one to choose.
- Only Level 95 character is eligible to receive the box and player must receive character which will proceed the daily tasks. (We will not receive 1:1 enquiry regarding this issue). 
- All the boxes will be deleted during 9th October maintenance.

      Mission Bulletin Board Assemble! 

 Event Period 
- After 4th September Update maintenance ~ before 18th September scheduled maintenance (PDT)

 Event Detail 
- Player will receive event reward when they clear missions from Mission Bulletin Board.

 Reward Date 
- 18th September during scheduled maintenance (PDT)

- Rewards will be given per account basis.
- Rewards are not accumulative, player will receive highest mission clear tier reward through Special Storage.  
- For detailed explanation, please refer in below. 
  If player A cleared total 100 missions with 5 characters, player A only receive 30 Mission Clear reward. 
- You can receive the reward until 26th September 23:59. 


 Event Period 
- After 10th September maintenance ~ before 17th October maintenance

 Event Detail 
Get 1 Webcoin by clearing Stage 1-time OR Top Up 1,000 EYE-CASH
- Event Page will open on 10th September (PDT) 

- Account can participate the event once and reward will be given by account basis.
- Player can acquire maximum 10 Webcoins per a day. 
- Use 2 Webcoins to get random number and duplicate number can be show out.
- Use 10 Webcoins to select your number
- No 1-day Web coin usage limit.
- If player succeed to have entire bingo, you will not be able to participate the event anymore.
- Reward will be sent through Special Storage and in the case of numbers already acquired, duplicate reward cannot be received.
- Players who participate the event by any in violation of the policy may result game sanctions.
- Steam players must use Dragon Nest Launcher to participate event, not Steam Launcher. 

      Enjoy 3rd Anniversary Attendance! 

- Come to Dragon Nest and receive various items!

 Event Detail  [REVISED] 
We modified certain item's mis-spelling. Sorry for confusion. 

- Rewards will be given per account basis.
- Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.
- Rewards are collectible for the date stated above, from 00:00 to 23:59 (PDT)


     Dumping Package  [UPDATED] 

- Dumping Package Coupon will be sent through Special Storage during 4th September Update Maintenance

※We missed to revise the number of quantity each package. We are sorry for making you confused. 

- Package Coupon will be sent out during September Update to your Special Storage. And it will be collectible for 1 week, until 12th September, 2019 23:59 (PDT).
- The package coupon itself can be used for 2 weeks, after it is received.
  For example,
  If you received the coupon 5th September, 2019 16:00 (PDT), it will be expired on 19th September, 2019 15:59 (PDT).
- If you right-click the coupon, it will direct you to "Sale List" in Cash Shop. Then you are ready to purchase the package with sale price as long as you have the coupon.

     Top Up Promotion 

 Promotion Period 
- After 4th September maintenance ~ before 18th September maintenance

 Reward Date 
- On 25th September during scheduled maintenance (PDT)

- Rewards will be given through special storage and per account basis.
- Rewards are accumulative and will not be tradable.
- Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.
- Rewards are collectable until 9th October 23:59HRS (PDT).

     Your First Top-Up 

- Promotion Period: After 4th September Update maintenance ~ 17th September 23:59 (PDT)
Only for the account who has top-up Dragon Nest very first time

- Rewards will be given through special storage and per account basis.
- Rewards are accumulative and will not be tradable.
- Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

 Reward Date 
- On 25th September during scheduled maintenance (PDT)

DNP will be reset during the 4th September maintenace time. 


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