(Play Event Winner Announced) [GM EVENT] Fantastic September with Vandar ! Dragon Nest NA

 [GM EVENT 1 : Merry Vandar Play]










Play the stage with Vandar during the event period!
Just play and you'll be eligible for this drawing event!

Event prizes for up to 60 people and one more special gift for 5 of them!









2020.09.10 ~ 09.24 23:59 (PDT) / 14 days














Red Lotus Palace Garden

Blue Wind Plains

Broken Goldstone Canyon












① Clear the above 3 stages with Vandar within the event period.

You only need to clear one out of three! You don't have to clear all three.



② Wair for the result of the draw on September 28th, which is the winner's announcement.

The draw will be randomly selected by GM after collecting play history.




③ On September 30th, 00:00 (PDT), the winners will receive their gifts via Special Storage!

The event is based on an account basis.







[Reward Info.]



Lebrium Point (30,000)

Item Protection Magic Jelly (2,000)

Lagendia Torch (20) / non-tradable



*We will draw 5 special winners of the selected 60 winners and present the special reward 'Golden Goblin Coin'.

*The reward can be collectible until 7th October 23:59 PM (PDT).





[Winner Announcement]





















-If you have any inquiries regarding this event, please use the 1:1 ticket service.

-GM's decision is final.








[GM EVENT 2 : Loren Turned Into Vandar!]








[GM]Loren, a surprise turn to Vandar!
let's play Hide-and-Seek with LorenVandar!!

Isn't that the same as last time?
No! I prepared a harder one this time. ᕕ༼✪ل͜✪༽ᕗ










2020.09.11 (PDT)  → 2020.09.15
2020.09.18 (PDT)



[Update as of 11th September] for changes]


We had to reschedule because she didn't feel good. 

As an inevitable decision to respect the health of employees, we ask for your understanding and pray for her recovery.




*Appearance time is random! I will notify you in advance when I show up.












① Find LorenVandar in all 3 villages!
On the 15th and the 18th, if player find [GM]Loren successfully in all three villages,
[GM]Loren will distribute the following reward to all accounts on the NA server!







②  Additional special prizes will be given to the first-time seeker,

who first discovered [GM]Loren and shouted 'Found You!'















Dimension Rock (Gale) 1

Red Lotus Gacha Box (7-days) 2  → Special Lagendia Gacha Box 2

Goddess Blessed Muffin 5



※Special Reward: Grubby Key (5) & Gosuk's Precious Box (3)




(Updated as of 18th September) 

※These rewards can be received on an account basis from level 45 to 95.

※These rewards can be received on an account basis from level 85 to 95.




(Updated as of 14th September)

※ The reward will be delivered on 20th September 00:00 AM (PDT).









*It can change depending on server status and event progress condition.






[Winner Announcement]








     *Arisurori found [GM] twice over 2 event days and is suitably qualified to receive in accordance with event rule.













-All players have to find [GM]Loren over 6 times to succeed in the event mission.

If you don't find GM within 10 minutes at least one time for each round,

it's mission failure and reward won't be given.








- Even if several people found GM at the same time,

the special winner is the first person to be exposed to the 'Found You' sentence chat window.









-GM's decision is final.



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